Church of the Open Door's Youth Ministry will be sending 14 students and 4 leaders to Hopkins Village in Belize for 10 days of ministry. We join the bigger story of Open Door's decade long relationship with Pastor Herdie and his church as we strive to reach out with the love of Christ to those in this amazing community.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Posted by Travis J. 6/24

Be where I am

On the way to Guadeloupe’s home it began to rain before we were even ½ way there. And that’s where the phrase our leader Scott has been repeating before and throughout the trip. Back home in the States, I concentrate on getting places and doing things faster for the buildup of the special times separated for enjoyment. But here people are more “primitive” in that they relax and enjoy each moment, each, day, live each breath as if it’s their last. Now I may be over generalizing things a bit (heck I know I am), but in general I live my life thinking about how to get something done or finished and not think about the journey.
When I was walking, breathing in the rain with the water making it very difficult if not impossible to see far ahead/. I would just look a few steps in front of me and stay close to my friends that I was with at the moment. Instead of rushing or thinking constantly about getting there, I lived and enjoyed each breath and step, each pothole filled with water and every chicken or dog and even the smelly mango trees.
Once we reached our “destination” our plans had changed from doing work for Guadeloupe to being and enjoying our time under her home. The home on stilts that seemed dreadfull to paint, became a blessing. I was thankful to spend those couple of hours playing pictionary with our Belizean friends (John and Franz sp?). Then John gave us a new taste of Sugar Cane fresh from the flood filled backyard behind her home. It taught me that directly when we plan to be doing something for others, God can change our plans. And that His plans may or may not even include ours, but that they are greater and more fulfilling than anything we would plan. We ended up being able to paint when we came back from a walk and getting drinks (including the rare Pineapple Fanta), and then were motivated to work even harder.
When we came back, I had this little child Clemy come up and play with me on our porch outside our cabana. It reminded me and recentered my focus, for as much as I love kids, it is kids that touch me the most to show Gods love that I am holding someone dearly loved.


Blogger Lisa said...

i'm sitting in Dunn. Bros. reading and your story brought me to tears. Thanks alot! ha.. JK. I don't know if you'll read this comment, but just know that you've blessed me today!
your fearless leader,

1:53 PM


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