Church of the Open Door's Youth Ministry will be sending 14 students and 4 leaders to Hopkins Village in Belize for 10 days of ministry. We join the bigger story of Open Door's decade long relationship with Pastor Herdie and his church as we strive to reach out with the love of Christ to those in this amazing community.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The days are disappearing fast as the teams waits for June 19, the day of our departure to Belize. With one training left and final details to sure up, We can be sure the time will pass quickly.

As we prepare to leave, we are excited to provide this site to keep our families and prayer warriors up to date on what is happening within and around our team.

Join us in prayer that God would prepare us for the humbling experience of being used in the work of the kingdom. Our prayer is that we could bring continued hope through our smiles, our words, and the light that shines from within us; the light of Christ's love.